←Go Back Timeline: August 2020 Role: Designer Technologies: WidgetKit, SwiftUI, Dark Mode, DynamicType via UIFontMetrics
Announcing The New York Times Widget for iOS 14
The New York Times launches its own widget for iOS 14
H y p o t h e s i s
iOS 14 is adding home screen widgets when it arrives in September. These new widgets extend a microcosm of an iOS app onto the home screen that is always visible without needing to launch or open the main app, but that can deep-link into specific content to view fully in the main app.
A NYT Top Stories widget would be a terrific use of this new functionality, and would allow us to compete with Apple's own Apple News widget that will be available in iOS 14.
Afford an opportunity to experiment with SwiftUI in the view layer, and combine in the data layer
Create an additional surface that would extend the programming decisions of the News Desk and add value to our iOS users by adding a unique platform specific feature.
A. Exploring various sizes
B. Decided on Medium size for Top and Breaking News. Explorations around different types of news and their visual cues (Live for Top Stories vs. Politics for Most Popular)
C. Exploring edge cases with the text volume as well as dark/light modes.